Thursday, 27 August 2009

Mixed Lot

One feature of any decent auction is social diversity and inclusion. Lot 190, the hallmarked silver box, is just as likely to be bought by someone living in a terraced house as someone living in a mansion. Ok, so the 8ft tall Edwardian mahogany bookcase might fit a little easier in the mansion, but antiques and collectables appeal to a wide variety of people and it's this aspect of our business that appeals to me - money is money is money and it doesn't matter to me who hands it over.
There is a mix of experience too. Consider the punter who offered me £150 for a table recently. The table hadn't met it's reserve at the previous auction (the reserve was £100). The vendor instructed me to sell it post-sale for whatever I could get. "Just make me a reasonable offer" I said to the potential buyer. "£150?" he said. "That's more than the reserve" I advised, having expected him to say £80. "I know!" he exclaimed, almost offended that I had cautioned his tactic. "Sold" I said and the buyer left with a big grin on his face, convinced that he had acquired a bargain.
There are bargains to be had at an auction too. Out-of-town superstores will sell you a three-piece leather suite for many hundreds if not thousands of pounds. You could buy a second-hand one in almost as good condition for a fraction of the price. And no one would know any different.
Entries for our next auction on 10th September are progressing well. We still need more lots so do contact us on 01603 304337 or if you have stuff you want to sell. We accept entries right up until 6pm on Wednesday, 9th September.
You're running out of time if you are attempting to guess what FAB stands for. No one has guessed correctly so far. Perhaps we should play hangman? Fa--- and A------ B----t--
The Cloisters Fair was a little quiet yesterday - although most stallholders appeared to have a good to reasonable day. August is usually slow - the beach, picnics in the local park, holidays abroad: they are the natural activities of summer. September should see a return to normal, although nothing is normal in our business.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

FAB Clue 3

This is Clue 3 - FAB is coming, but what does it stand for? A hint - FAB = F and A B

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

FAB Clue 2

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

FAB Clue 1