Saturday, 24 November 2012

I am a bit scared...

I am a bit scared. I am a bit scared because I now own a shop. Well, a kind of shop. An office, a showroom and I guess...a shop. An antique shop. And that can only mean one thing: I have to grow up. Growing up has never really been on my agenda.
The trouble began when I heard through the grapevine that the florist next door was moving out. For years I have managed Barnes Auctioneers from the second floor of our home. In theory that works well - the only delays facing my morning commute being the time it takes to make coffee, the only dress code being casual to naked, and zero office costs. But when the florist moved out I had to move in. I had to move in because it made sense. It makes sense, current tense. And sensible is, of course, very grown up indeed.
There will be many advantages in having our new premises (71 Yarmouth Road in Norwich, pictured) including a 'high street' presence and the opportunity to retail (£295 for the oak Wainscott revival chair with Wymondham Market Cross carved to back panel, pictured). It marks a significant step-forward in our ability to service clients who can conduct business with us throughout the week without appointment: 71 Yarmouth Road will be open 9.30am to 5.30pm Tuesday-Saturday. We'll also open 10am to 4pm on Sundays but only as a shop.
I made my first sale from the shop the other day despite the fact that we are not really open yet. A very good customer of ours visited to settle his account and noticed some coins in a cabinet "How much are those?" he asked. The deal was done at £55 and the shop, I guess, christened in the process.
We officially open for business this Sunday, 25th November at 4pm to coincide with the Thorpe St Andrew Christmas lights switch-on (which takes place right outside our shop). We're not ready at all but then not being ready has never stopped me before.
The Sunday Auction last weekend was a great success. We had a good turnout of buyers and some wonderful lots for them to bid on. And bid on them they certainly did with excellent prices being achieved for most things. We make it look easy but managing an auction is more difficult than it looks. It's only possible because we have a team of people that just make it happen. At our traditional post-sale shandy I was emphatic and right in saying "We are better than we have ever been".
At this juncture I must make comment on Thorpe St Andrew Council. They supported our move into Roxley Hall from the beginning and have been supportive ever since. Their policy and practice is to support local people and local business and that shines through. I consider their support to be a major ingredient in our success of late.
In the old days we were swashbuckling. We had to be swashbuckling to take on the auction elite. Today we are the auction elite. We are established. We even have a proper office. How grown up. How scary. How wonderful.

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