Sunday 24 October 2010

Mixed Lot

They say that things come in threes and I do hope that to be true because the recent burglary at St Andrew's Hall, in which we lost everything of any significant value, was the third body blow of 2010.  It remains to be seen just how costly the events of last Monday will be for our business but, whatever the body blow, one thing is for sure - it hasn't knocked us out. 

This is not the time or the place to talk about how we plan to move forward.  We have suspended all auction activity until 1st November whilst that strategy takes shape.  What is certain is that we have an inner strength of purpose to face this challenge head on, make good the losses to our customers, and re-build the business.  Actually, although massive, I don't feel in awe of that task because I have faith in what we do and how we do it.  So many people have offered their best wishes and support and there is so much goodwill that we cannot help but have confidence in the future.

My wife and I met for lunch on Wednesday for moral support and to discuss our situation.  It may seem odd to have to arrange to meet your wife for lunch to discuss something, but when else?  Not at home when surrounded by a three-year old 'Batman' and a two-year old 'Robin'.  Not over dinner, when sausages are hurled by 'Robin' at 'Batman' or at bath time when 'Batman' splashes water in 'Robin's' eyes!  Over lunch, at Cinema City, I looked at Beth and all of our troubles seemed to melt away.  It's difficult to be too despondent when eating pan-fried salmon whilst sitting opposite a beautiful and amazing woman to whom you happen to be married.  We agreed that what had happened was terrible but that others suffer worse and pull through.  We both have absolute confidence that we will get through this too, although we might just have to live on bread and dripping for a while!

The Norwich Beer Festival takes place at St Andrew's Hall this week which means that The Cloisters Fair will not be open on Wednesday as usual.  It will be back, however, the following week (3rd November).  Each year at this time we have to clear the store room to enable access for the organisers of the Beer Festival.  It's a big task at the best of times but this time, surrounded by broken glass and the remnants of once fine antiques (and a lot of crap) even more so.  Thankfully, a good friend of mine was able to assist and another was pleased to receive the following telephone call:
'What are you doing today bud?' I asked.
 'I'm in the shop, mate' he replied
'Get your arse down to St Andrew's Hall, I have a couple of boxes of stuff you can have - all free stock'
Five car loads later he returned to his shop on Magdalen Street with the headache of sorting it all out whilst I could just feel cleansed of the past and think of the future.

My dad started out in the antique trade back in the late 1970's and a few days ago we went up to see him in Warrington to celebrate his 70th birthday.  It was quite a journey because we had to go via Sheffield to pick up my daughter Laura, who is at university there.  Not only that, but Beth had to drive the MPV we had hired (to fit everyone in) the whole way there and back because the rental company won't allow anyone with more than nine points on their driving licence to drive their vehicles (and I have eleven).  The whole day was enjoyable and a welcome break from work.  My dad was in the Royal Navy and served on a number of ships including the aircraft carrier, HMS Eagle (sister ship to HMS Ark Royal) during the 1960's. The boys were interested to see his collection of memorabilia and his tattoos too - Henry thought that Grandad Jack was probably a pirate.  When he was an antique dealer, my dad was a little bit like a pirate.  We do things a little bit differently these days!

The police investigation into the burglary is progressing well.  If you have any information that may be of use, however small, then please do let us know.  You can call me in confidence on 07810 646711 - and don't forget that we have put up a £1,000 reward for any information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person/s responsible.  Someone out there knows something.

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