Thursday 16 September 2010

Mixed Lot

There has been much to reflect upon these last few days.  Of course, I can't share it all with you because this is a public blog and I do have a private life and a business life that inevitably requires a certain degree of stealth in order to succeed.  But what is most interesting to me are the people that I buy from, sell to, and work alongside.  New faces, old faces, changing faces - all occupying a place in my world and influencing it in different ways.
Our business is beginning to gain real momentum and that is down to the emphasis we put on people.  Our service is bespoke and that means individual relationships are key.  Take our growing staff team, for example: two new people on board for the auction last week and only a matter of time before others join us.  We are now hosting two auctions a month at St Andrew's Hall in Norwich (on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month) - which means we have one next week on the 23rd September (midday viewing, 2pm sale).
We have some cracking lots in for next week already including some WW2 militaria, clocks, coins, and jewellery.  We will be taking in lots all day on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week - so do come in and see us.
The Cloisters Fair has been more vibrant of late, in part because we have a number of new stallholders supplementing the old faces.  It's a great atmosphere down there at the moment and as custodian I am very proud to be at the helm of East Anglia's longest running weekly antique fair.  Pop down on any Wednesday or our next Saturday - 25th September.
Last Sunday I put my gavel down and returned home to be a husband and a father.  My daughter, Laura, is off to study psychology at Sheffield University and it was our last chance to have the whole family together for a while.  A super lunch at Giraffe with lots of laughter was just perfect for re-charging my batteries.  Family, I guess they are the people in our lives that really matter.

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