Thursday 24 March 2011

Quick Plug

It's our auction today - see previous posts for the catalogue/some images.
In the meantime, a quick plug for the Beccles Street Antique Market that takes place on Sunday, 1st of May, erm in Beccles (of course).
The divine Kate Lees arrived at The Cloisters yesterday armed with lots of fliers - so do pop in to see us if you want to grab one. The antique market in Beccles is a super event - and a must see/do/buy if you like to have a rummage and to find something special. Helen and I have booked (and actually paid!) for our pitch and are ready to rumble. We're hoping that we don't get rained off like last time. Kate advised 'You need a gazebo and then you need to pour some concrete into some paint pots and then tie each corner of the gazebo onto a pot' but that just sounded too complicated - Helen and I agreed that we would just wing it...

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