Friday 25 February 2011

Mixed Lot

On Wednesday, my wife (on her debut as a stallholder) managed to sell a picture for £60 at The Cloisters Fair despite the fact that I was unable to sell it for £40 the previous week. Yesterday, she bought me lunch before pitching in with my team to contribute to what was a highly successful auction. And last night, when I collapsed into bed with exhaustion after a particularly gruelling day, she stayed up to wash the dishes from our (very tasty Planet Wok) Chinese take-away. All this with a house and two small boys and two jobs. People know that I work long hours (15 yesterday) but I know she works harder. Unlike me, she still looks good on it. She truly is my very own Wonder Woman. Just need to persuade her to wear the outfit...

The usual team took to the field with aplomb yesterday. We do things our own way. That doesn't suit everyone. But it suits us and it suits those who buy and sell through us. We made good prices too yesterday and, I would argue now comparable to the best in county. The difference is that we only charge 10% inclusive buying and selling premium.

We really did have some excellent sales yesterday but the one that really stood out for me was LOT 171 - Mixed lot of postcards incl airships etc. Actually, I think there were just seven postcards in total, estimated at £30-40. They made £140 - wouldn't it be nice if all lots exceeded their estimate by four times...

There has been some comment about our decision to move the sale from Thursdays to Wednesdays. At some point in the near future (when the renovation work is complete - it's still Thursdays for now) we will be hosting our auction in The Crypt, the area that used to be the cafe at St Andrew's Hall. That will enable us to hold the auction at the same time as The Cloisters Fair (which has traditionally been held on Wednesdays). It's always been our hope to combine the two and I am sure that it is the right thing for us because all of our buying and selling activities will be centred around a single day.

It's been pointed out that in moving to Wednesdays we will in future clash with the auction at Great Yarmouth. That is, of course, regrettable but we currently clash with Fakenham and Acle in any case. Aylsham host an antiques auction on one Wednesday a month also but we don't worry about these things. We do what we do in the city of Norwich - it's our neck of the woods. I will make sure that we have an improved viewing procedure for buyers who can't make the sale because they are committed elsewhere on a Wednesday. And of course, we'll have some new people come along who can't currently make Thursdays. Surely, there is enough business for all.

We're about to get posher - with a new website. The blog's been great, but it's time is nearly up. It was always intended to be temporary and it has to go before I offend any more people. The new site will be of a traditional format and be online soon. I believe the address will be but don't bother trying it yet because it isn't live at the moment.

We'll never be that posh though - I hate all that pretentious bollocks 'Do you have one of those little teeny hammers?' I was asked yesterday
'Do you mean a gavel?'
'Yes, like they have at Bonhams?'
'No, I am afraid I make do with a Bic'
'A Bic?'
'Yes, a pen'
'Oh dear, you would have thought they could have provided you with the appropriate equipment!'

We're back tomorrow at The Cloisters Fair. The Norwich Fleamarket is on in the main hall too so plenty to come and have a look at.


Anonymous said...


I have a message for the webmaster/admin here at

Can I use some of the information from this post above if I give a backlink back to this website?


Barnes Auctioneers said...

Hi Jules - yes, that's fine